About The Vulnerable Advocate by Charles Knight

I have spent the last 35 years working as an independent analyst doing critical studies of foreign and military policy, most of that time at the Project on Defense Alternatives.

I am retired now, but the wars and military activity around the world still lead me to write about that subject. I have other interests I am passionate about, so the posts that appear here will be varied.

One such subject I will undoubtedly address is the importance for all of us, especially men, to learn to live with others while being aware of and respecting our mutual and inescapable vulnerability. Expect a post about that before very long.

Please join me in this venture into what Ruth Behar has called writing dangerously. I hope you will participate in comments and chats — where I intend to engage.

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I expect to have the first post ready any day now. I have noticed that when I have written less than 1000-word op-eds in the past, I often work through half a dozen versions before sending off the final. Maybe, as I attempt to write edging into vulnerability, I will let my posts go easier. Stay tuned.

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Informal & hopefully creative writing by Charles Knight on topics of particular interest to me, especially the necessity of acknowledging & embracing vulnerability in personal, familial, and even international relations.


35 years ago Charles became a research fellow at the Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies. In 1991 with Carl Conetta, he founded the Project on Defense Alternatives (https://comw.org/pda/).